星期六, 25 1 月, 2025
Home PV Project Focus on Energy: Wins national award for renewable energy program

Focus on Energy: Wins national award for renewable energy program

Focus on Energy has been recognized as a national leader in the promotion and practice of renewable energy by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA). On Jan. 13, 2009, the CESA presented Focus on Energy, and four other states, with the "2009 State Leadership in Clean Energy Award" during a press conference in Washington, D.C. The award was established to recognize state programs that are most effectively accelerating adoption of clean energy technologies and advancing clean energy markets.

"National recognition for what Focus on Energy is doing in Wisconsin to develop clean energy projects which help the state's economy and its environment is rewarding," said Don Wichert, program director for Focus on Energy's Renewable Energy Program.

Focus on Energy's Biogas Digestion Program was specifically recognized. Because of the information, education, technical assistance and financing this program provides, Wisconsin leads the nation in the number of farm-based anaerobic biogas digesters. Biogas digester systems enable farmers to produce electricity, heat and pipeline-quality gas and distribute energy for a reasonable return on investment while controlling dairy manure odors, pathogens and flies.

"Focus on Energy deserves wide recognition for tapping into an underused renewable resource in a way that not only generates clean energy but also helps farmers financially and improves the environment," said Mark Sinclair, CESA Executive Director.

Focus on Energy's Renewable Energy Program strives to make renewable energy an attainable option in Wisconsin not only for farmers, but for residents and businesses as well. The program educates residents and business owners about renewable energy choices, provides training and financing, promotes technical assistance and supports the installation of renewable energy technologies across Wisconsin.

To learn more about Focus on Energy and its Renewable Energy Program, or to find out if you qualify for financial incentives, call (800) 762-7077 or visit focusonenergy.com .

About Focus on Energy

Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control the state's growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call (800) 762-7077 or visit focusonenergy.com .

About Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)

Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is a national nonprofit organization that works with clean energy funds and state agencies to advance markets for clean energy technologies. CESA provides information and technical services to its members and shares its knowledge with the federal government and influential policymakers. CESA's member states manage programs that will invest nearly $6 billion in the next ten years to support clean energy. CESA is managed by Clean Energy Group.



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